Eg skulle eigentleg ikkje ha ny hane
etter me måtte avliva den siste i sommar, mest for hønsene si skuld,
for eg synest dei verka rolegare og meir harmoniske utan hane,
men då ei eg kjenner sat att med ein unghane og ei unghøns
etter kattane hadde tatt mange av dei andre i kyllingflokken deira,
kunne eg ikkje anna enn forbarma meg og adoptera dei.
større enn mine vaksne høns, så det huset eg hadde tenkt dei skulle få bu i
var faktisk for lite, men sidan dei var større enn dei andre,
turde ikkje dei andre bølle med dei, og integreringa gjekk ganske fint!
er den store flotte hanen Nicky som naboane nedom vegen hadde for nokre år sidan
(samtidig som eg hadde hanen Håvard), så kanskje store hanar berre er rolegare?
I tillegg er han av den stille typen, og me har berre høyrd han gale nokre gongar
om morgonane når han svarar nabohanen, og då er han inne i hønsehuset,
så heldigvis ser det ut til at naboane på austsida slepp å verta uroa.
(det kan ikkje samordnast med deira natur og instinkt.)
held eg respektfull avstand til han,
og når eg må gå tett på han i hønsehuset mens eg matar og skiftar vatn,
snakkar eg til han og hønsene med roleg stemme,
og så langt verkar det til å funke fint.
og hanen passar godt på damene sine :)
Under kaninburet kosar hønsene seg på spa ;)
Under kaninburet kosar hønsene seg på spa ;)
I wasn't supposed to get a new rooster
after we had to put down our last this summer, most for the hens' sake,
as they seemed more calm and harmonic without a rooster,
but when a girl I know had only one young rooster and one young hen left
after their cats had taken many of the other chickens,
I couldn't help but take pity on them and adopt them.
after their cats had taken many of the other chickens,
I couldn't help but take pity on them and adopt them.
To my surprise, they were, despite their young age, larger than my adult hens, and the house I had planned for them to live in was actually too small, but as they were larger, the others didn't dare bully them, and the integration went pretty well!
I think the only other rooster I've seen as calm as this one,
is the large and handsome rooster Nicky which our neighbours had a few years ago
is the large and handsome rooster Nicky which our neighbours had a few years ago
(at the same time we had the rooster Havard),
so maybe large roosters just are the more calm types?
so maybe large roosters just are the more calm types?
Additionally he's also the quiet type, and we've only heard him crow a couple of times
in the mornings, when he's responding to the neighbouring rooster's crows,
and he's been inside the chicken coop all times,
and he's been inside the chicken coop all times,
so fortunately it seems like the neighbours on our eastside won't be bothered.
After bad experience with taming roosters,,
(it can't be reconciled with their nature and instincts)
I keep a respectful distance to him,
and when I have to get close to hom while feeding and changing drinking water,
I talk to him and the hens in a calm voice,
which has worked fine so far.
I talk to him and the hens in a calm voice,
which has worked fine so far.
Today is the first day out of the coop since the newcomers arrived,
and the rooster is guarding his ladies well:)
Under the rabbit cage the hens have having a spa :)
and the rooster is guarding his ladies well:)
Under the rabbit cage the hens have having a spa :)