Eg har ambisjonar om eit nytt bed eg skal laga til,
men i går var nedbørsmengda større enn motivasjonen,
så eg held meg innandørs og planla heller å vaska heimen.
Der svikta motivasjonen, så det var berre badet som vart vaska,
resten av tida vart brukt til å mata dyra, lesa bloggar eller dansa til musikk,
særleg 'Proud Mary' med Beyoncè vart spelt mykje og høgt.
No er me midt i hundedagane, så alt rotnar lett og fortare.
Eg veit ikkje om blomar visnar fortare òg,
men begge bukettane eg kjøpte på Kiwi tidlegare i veka
visna fort, og bukettane derfrå pleier å halda seg lenge.
Hadde faktisk ein rosebukett som var like fin etter 3 veker!
Men det var i mai, og no er me sist i juli...
...så eg har droppa å kjøpa bukettar desse vekene
og hamstrar heller inn blomar som veks vilt rundt huset.
Då såg den ganske pjusk ut, så eg lurte på om eg berre skulle hiva den ut att,
men så vart den så fin likevel.
Geitramsen er også veldig flott, heilt til den visnar,
då står det lange harde stilkar att,og det ergrar meg,
då står det lange harde stilkar att,og det ergrar meg,
men eg gidd ikkje ergra meg enno, for no blømer den så fint!
Det fine kompasset har min kjære laga.
Ja, ikkje kompasshuset, då, det har han kjøpt, men sjølve kompasset var svenneprøven hans,
då han tok svenneprøven i nautisk instrumentmakerfaget som den siste her i landet.
Er det ikkje fint?
I have ambitions concerning a new flowebed in the garden,
but yesterday the amount of rain was bigger than my motivation,
so I stayed indoors and made plans to clean the house.
Then the motivation totally vanished, and the only room getting cleaned, was the bathroom,
rest of the time I spent feeding the animals, reading blogs, or dancing to music,
especially 'Proud Mary' with Beyoncè was played a lot and loud.
rest of the time I spent feeding the animals, reading blogs, or dancing to music,
especially 'Proud Mary' with Beyoncè was played a lot and loud.
I don't know if this concerns flowers as well,
but both the flower bouquets I bought earlier this week withered fast,
but both the flower bouquets I bought earlier this week withered fast,
and the flowers I buy at our store usually stays fresh long.
I had a bouquet of roses which looked just as fresh after 3 weeks as the day I bought it!
But that was in May, and now we're in late July...
I had a bouquet of roses which looked just as fresh after 3 weeks as the day I bought it!
But that was in May, and now we're in late July... I've dropped buying flowers these weeks,
and pick the ones growing wild outside the house instead.
and pick the ones growing wild outside the house instead.
I picked this bouquet with Garden Loosestrife a rainy day earlier this week.
It didn't look too good then, so I wondered wether to throw it out,
but then it got better, and looks very pretty now.
but then it got better, and looks very pretty now.
When the Fireweed withers, they leave long hard dry steams,which annoys me,
but I won't be annoyed yet, because right now it blooms so beautifully!
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