Samanlikna med interiørbloggarar, har me kanskje ikkje den aller mest spennande stova,
men me synest den er koseleg, og likar oss godt her! ;)
Me hadde ein plan om å male den kvit (dvs eg hadde planlagt det...),
så den verka større, for me har jo ikkje så stort hus,
men no har det kome ein ny plan, så malinga vart lagt på hylla.
Men, slik ser det altså ut i stova vår!
Her er sofakroken,
og det fine kvite teppet syns Solihjartetmannen var eit skikkeleg dritteppe
sidan det loa slik, at det fekk katten, og han vart veldig glad for det!
(og katten loar litt sjølv, så det går heilt fint!)
og det fine kvite teppet syns Solihjartetmannen var eit skikkeleg dritteppe
sidan det loa slik, at det fekk katten, og han vart veldig glad for det!
(og katten loar litt sjølv, så det går heilt fint!)
Eg vart også glad, for då fekk det likevel pynta i sofaen, som var planen då eg kjøpte det.
Putar er det lite av, for sidan Solihjartetmannen ikkje likar å bruka putar,
havnar dei ofte på golvet, eller - om eg er heldig - i ein haug i den andre sofaen,
og han er ikkje så nøye med at dei skal ligga fint dandert, dei hamnar i ein lite estetisk haug;
så putar har eg gitt opp .. ei stund i alle fall.
Gjennom vindauget (dvs gamle terrassedøra) kan ein sjå
(litt av) den nye flotte grillen som me fekk til bryllupet :)
Den vart me veldig glade for!
Gjennom vindauget (dvs gamle terrassedøra) kan ein sjå
(litt av) den nye flotte grillen som me fekk til bryllupet :)
Den vart me veldig glade for!
Brettet på salongbordet var bryllupsgåve, og eg vart så glad,
for ingen andre brett eg hadde passa heilt til det flotte lyset, som me fekk til jul.
sidan me har så mange og eg synest den er så fin!
Det er som å få solskin i ein vase, synest eg!
Denne vesle mugga sjarmerte meg totalt ein dag eg var innom Farmors Hus,
så den vart med heim.
Dette etasjefatet har eg vist før, men eg har ommøblert litt på det.
Eg synest det er så fiiint!!
Denne søte sukkerskåla kjøpte eg i gåvebutikken til (det tidlegare) dronningskipet Britannia
som me besøkte i Edinburgh. Det som er litt morosamt, er at det matchar etasjefatet.
Etasjefatet har ikkje krone, men M på, men ellers ser dei ut som dei kan høyre i lag. Dei hadde eit etasjefat i gåvebutikken som likna mitt, men det var ikkje heilt likt.
Du la kanskje merke til bileta over spisebordet?
Det er kopiar av gamle bilreklamar eg fann på nettet og printa ut.
Det er ingen kva-som-helst-bil heller, det er Solihjartetmannen sin favorittbil,
og han fekk bileta til bursdagen av meg.
Som du ser likar me gamle ting, eller ting som ser gamle ut.
Me er ikkje av den 'fanatiske' typen som kun skal ha skikkelege-gamle ting
og skyr kopi-gamle ting, sjølv om det er ekstra gøy
med skikkeleg-gamle ting som har ei historie...
Compared to interior bloggers we might not have the most exciting livingroom, but we think it's cozy and we like it here, very much! ;)
We had planned to paint the walls white (or more correctly: I had planned to ...) to make it feel larger, as we have a rather small house,
but now there are new plans, and the painting was cancelled.
But anyways, this is what our livingroom looks like!
Here are the sofas. My husband didn't like the pretty white blanket, to be more precise he thinks it's crap, because it keeps 'losing hairs' (it's synthetic)
so we gave it to the cat, who loves it!
(and the cat looses hair himself, so they're a good match!)
so we gave it to the cat, who loves it!
(and the cat looses hair himself, so they're a good match!)
Now I'm happy too, as it gets to stay and look pretty in the sofa,
which was my plan with it when i bought it.
We don't have many cushions in the sofas, as my husband don't like using them, which means he throws them on the floor or - if i'm lucky - in a pile in the other sofa,
and he doesn't bother putting them there nicely, they usually end up in a not so estethic-looking pile; so I've given up cushions .. for now, anyway.
Through the window (meaning the old terrace doors)
you can see the new and awesome BBQ grill we got for our wedding :)
We are very grateful for it!
Through the window (meaning the old terrace doors)
you can see the new and awesome BBQ grill we got for our wedding :)
We are very grateful for it!
The tray on the sofa table was a wedding gift, and I am very happy about it, as I have no other trays suitable for the gorgeous candle, which was a Christmas gift.
(Luckily) Garden Loosestrife grows wildly in our garden,
and gets to decorate indoors as well as outdoors,
and gets to decorate indoors as well as outdoors,
as we have so many of them, and I think it's so pretty!
I think it's like having sunshine in a vase!
The small jug was so charming, that I couldn't resist taking it home with me.
I found it in a shop called Farmors Hus (Grandma's House').
I found it in a shop called Farmors Hus (Grandma's House').
I've shown this cake stand before, but now I've changed the things on it.
I think it's soooooo pretty!!
I think it's soooooo pretty!!
I found this cute sugar bowl in the (former) Royal Yacht Britannia 's giftshop,
which we visited in Scotland. The funny thing is, it mathces the cake stand!
The cake stand doesn't have the crown on it, but an 'M',
but otherwise they look like they're part of the same set.
The gift shop did have a cake stand in the set, which was similar to mine.
which we visited in Scotland. The funny thing is, it mathces the cake stand!
The cake stand doesn't have the crown on it, but an 'M',
but otherwise they look like they're part of the same set.
The gift shop did have a cake stand in the set, which was similar to mine.
You might have noticed the pictures above the dining table?
They're copies of old car advertisements I found online.
They're not advertisements for any-ol-car either,
but my husband's favourite car,
and I gave him the pictures for his birthday.
They're not advertisements for any-ol-car either,
but my husband's favourite car,
and I gave him the pictures for his birthday.
As you can see, we like old things, or things that look old.
We're not of the 'fanatical' kind who only want real-old things and despises fake-old things,
though it's extra fun with real-old things with a history...
We're not of the 'fanatical' kind who only want real-old things and despises fake-old things,
though it's extra fun with real-old things with a history...
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