~ Juleminne ~
Noko av det eg hugsar som eit gildt oppdrag då eg var lita,
var å få vera med Papen for å finna juletre.
Treet skulle vera passeleg stort med fine greiner som ikkje sto for tett
men heller ikkje for langt frå kvarandre,
og det skulle vera passeleg symmetrisk.
Dette forklarte Papen oss,
mens me nikka og med eit seriøst blikk
undersøkte treet han hadde peika ut,
for å sjekka at det oppfylde kriteriane.
Det gjorde det sjølvsagt alltid,
for Papen var den flinkaste me visste til det meste,
inkludert å finna juletre.
Det kan henda me fraus litt,
og det kunne vera tungt å trakka i snøen
for nokon med små føter,
men det gløymde me fort
når me tenkte på den viktige oppgåva vår.
Litlejulafta skulle det fine treet vårt pyntast.
Papen var høgast, så han fekk henga på glitter, flagg og lys,
mens me fekk henga på kuler og annan pynt.
Gjennom heile jula kunne eg stå opp att
etter dei andre var lagt seg
berre for å sjå på det fine juletreet.
Me hadde juletrelys i ulike fargar,
og dei skein så vakkert i den mørke stova,
og på pynten som hang på treet.
Forventningsfulle vakna me julafta morgon,
og fekk sjå juleprogram på fjernsynet
- nådde me å få med oss Disney sitt juleshow dette året!? –
før me skulle gjera oss klar til julegudstenesta,
og når me kom heimatt, fekk me deilig julegraut.
Mammo laga den beste risengrynsgrauten,
og dette var den dagen i året den smaka aller best, syntest eg.
Viss me ikkje hadde gjort det kvelden før,
skulle me legga gåvene under treet etter grauten var eten.
Det kunne vera lettare sagt enn gjort
når ein både skulle bera gåvene på plass,
sjå på til-og-frå lappane, knipa på pakkene
og samstundes passa på at ingen av dei andre søskena gjorde det same.
Papen likte å opne stovedøra for å høyre kyrkjeklokkene
ringje jula inn klokka fem om ettermiddagen.
Visst var det stemningsfullt, men vanskeleg å nyta på same måten
for ein liten tass som synest ventetida vart for lang
når ein berre kunne sjå – men ikkje røra – det som låg under treet,
og berre kjenne på den gode lukta frå kjøkenet som spreidde seg i heile huset,
men ikkje få smake heilt enno.
Først skulle nemleg kyrne mjølkast og matast,
og tida mellom kyrkjeklokkene ringde og florstida var over
gjekk så uendeleg seint!
Heldigvis fekk me som regel opna ei pakke kvar innan denne tida.
Den var det alltid Mammo som plukka ut,
og det utrulege var at det alltid var leikar i desse!
Kanskje var ho litt synsk?
Me var i alle fall like heldige kvart år,
for det ville nok ikkje vore like spanande
å leika med eit par sokkar!
Sjefen over alle Sjefar
innan julemat (og annan mat) var (og er) Mammo,
og ENDELEG kom tida då me kunne setja oss til bordet
og nyta pinnekjøt og kålrabistapp,
kjøtkaker og smelta smør med purre,
og sjølvsagt póte, og så litt julebrus,
og alt var berre heilt fantastisk!
Christmas Day morning we awoke expectantly
~ Christmas memories ~
Something I remember as a grand mission when I was little,
was to join Daddy in finding our Christmas tree.
The tree had to have the right size, and the branches had to be nice and not too close to each other,
but not too far apart, either,
and the tree had to be suitably symmetric.
but not too far apart, either,
and the tree had to be suitably symmetric.
Daddy explained this to us,
while we nodded, and with a serious look
examined the tree he had pointed out to us,
to check if it fulfilled the criteria.
Of course it always did,
for Daddy was the best we knew at most everything,
including finding a Christmas tree.
while we nodded, and with a serious look
examined the tree he had pointed out to us,
to check if it fulfilled the criteria.
Of course it always did,
for Daddy was the best we knew at most everything,
including finding a Christmas tree.
We might have been a little cold,
and walking in the snow could be heavy on small feet,
but we easily forgot that part,
thinking of our important task.
and walking in the snow could be heavy on small feet,
but we easily forgot that part,
thinking of our important task.
The day before Christmas Eve we decorated the tree.
Daddy was the tallest, so he put on the glitter, flags and lights,
while we could put on ornaments and other decorations
Through the Holidays I would rise
after the others had gone to bed,
just to look at the pretty Christmas tree.
We had Christmas lights in different colours,
and they shon so beautifully in the dark livingroom
and on the decorations on the tree.
Daddy was the tallest, so he put on the glitter, flags and lights,
while we could put on ornaments and other decorations
Through the Holidays I would rise
after the others had gone to bed,
just to look at the pretty Christmas tree.
We had Christmas lights in different colours,
and they shon so beautifully in the dark livingroom
and on the decorations on the tree.
Christmas Day morning we awoke expectantly
and watched Christmas shows on television,
- did we have time to watch the Disney Christmas show this year!? -
before making ready for the Christmas service,
and when we returned home, we got lovely Christmas porridge.
Mommy made the very best rice pudding porridge ever,
and on this day of the year it tasted better than any other day, I thought.
If we hadn't done it the night before,
we were to put the presents under the tree after eating our Christmas porridge.
This was easier said than done,
when you both had to carry the gifts to the tree,
look at the gift tags, pinch the gifts
and at the same time make sure none of the other siblings did the same thing.
Daddy liked to open the garden door and hear the church bells calling
at five in the afternoon.
Sure it was evocative, but not easy to enjoy the same way
for a little one who found the wait time too long
as one could only see - but not touch - what was under the tree,
and just smell the sweet scents from the kitchen, which spread into the whole house,
but not taste quite yet.
Because the cows had to be milked and fed first,
and the time period betweet the church bells' calling and milking time was over
went by so incredibly slowly!
Luckily, we were usually allowed to open a present each during this time.
Mommy always picked which we were allowed to open,
and the amazing thing was, these always contained toys!
Maybe she was a little psycic?
Anyway, we were ecually fortunate each year,
as it wouldn't have been as exciting
playing with a pair of socks!
The Master of all Masters
of Christmas food (and any other foods) was (and is) Mommy,
and FINALLY the moment arrived when we could be seated
and enjoy pinnekjott and mashed rutabaga,
frikadeller and melted butter with leek,
and of course potatoes, and then some Julebrus (Christmas soda),
and everything was just wonderful!
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