Monday, July 23, 2012


Bryllupsreisa gjekk til vakre Skottland, kor me likar oss særs godt!!

Me fekk eit flott rom på The Scotsman i Edinburgh, og me koste oss veldig.
Me såg sjølvsagt Edinburgh Castle, her sett frå Princes Street,
som tronar så flott på toppen av byen, i øverste enden av the Royal Mile

Palace of Holyrood House ligg i nederste enden av the Royal Mile,
og er slottet dronninga bur når ho er i Skottland.

Har 287 trappetrinn, og dess høgare opp du kjem, dess smalare vert det,
men turen opp er verd det, for utsikta er fantastisk!
(Eg gjekk i høge (kile-)hælar, men det gjekk heilt fint!)

Dette biletet tok me frå Scott-monumentet.
Du ser Princes Gardens, og ca midt oppe på bildet er Edinburgh Castle

(William) Wallace-monumentet
(Braveheart, ja!)

Ved Stirling Castle står denne flotte statua
 av heltekongen Robert The Bruce

Statue av Robert The Bruce der slaget ved Bannockburn fann stad
då skottane vann over engelskmennene 24. juni 1314

Rosslyn Chapel

Det vart også litt tid til shopping, m.a. denne flotte handveska og eit par lekre sko

Eit par sko eg veldig gjerne ville ha, men som dei ikkje hadde i min storleik ... snufs ..

Ei herleg veke som gjekk altfor fort!!
Men me skal tilbake, til vårt elskede Skottland <3

Imens høyrer eg på sekkepiperockebandet The Red Hot Chili Pipers


Our honeymoon went to beautiful Skottland, where we just love to be!!
We got a lovely room at The Scotsman in Edinburgh, and we had a great stay there.

Of course we saw the Edinburgh Castle, here seen from Princes Street
sitting high in the top of the city, in the high end of the Royal Mile

 Palace of Holyrood House is at the low end of the Royal Mile,
and is where the queen lives when she is in Scotland.

Has 287 steps, and the further up you go, the narrower they get,
but the walk up is worth it, because the view is spectacular!
(I wore heals (wedges), but had no problems!)

This is taken from the Scott monument.
You can see the Princes Gardens, and about half way up in the picture is Edinburgh Castle.
The (William) Wallace monument

(Braveheart, ja!)

 By Stirling Castle is this grand statue
of the hero king Robert The Bruce

This statue of Robert The Bruce stands at the site of the Battle of Bannockburn,
where the Scots won over the English June 24th 1314

Rosslyn Chapel

There was also time for a little shopping, 
and this nice handbag and a pair of shoes were among my catches.

There was also a pair of shoes I really wanted, 
but they didn't have them in my size ... weep weep..

A fantastic week which went too fast!!
But we are going back, to our beloved Scotland <3

... meanwhile, I listen to the bagrockband The Red Hot Chili Pipers

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